Our 2025 Annual Meeting is just around the corner—RSVP today!
Welcome to Opportunity

Mission & History

(570) 823–6836

Our Mission

It’s about more than just hot dogs!

Our mission is to create and provide Opportunity for our members by making financial solutions accessible, equitable and achievable.

Opportunity isn’t just a buzzword. It’s the beating heart of our credit union. We roll up our sleeves each day eager to help hard working folks take meaningful steps towards realizing and achieving their biggest dreams.

Opportunity = Preparation + Purpose

We know it takes more than luck to create lasting Opportunity—it takes understanding. Understanding your unique situation. Understanding the power of financial wisdom. And understanding that personal relationships form the backbone of any successful partnership.

We approach each member as we would a dear friend. Ready to listen. Eager to empower and bursting with practical ideas tailored to your personal financial journey. Preparing you for your moment. We don’t want to be seen as just a credit union. We want to be your valued financial partner. You’re more than an account balance to us. You’re a member with a story and untapped potential.

Join today

We're the sum total of our values.

Our History

Providing Opportunity for over 50 years

Back in 1969 when we were known as the Wilkes-Barre Federal Employees Federal Credit Union (say that five times fast), we were just a local group of employees that wanted a better home for our money.

Soon after, our federal charter was expanded by the National Credit Union Association (NCUA), allowing us to expand service to Select Employee Groups (SEGs) located in Northern Pennsylvania.

Big changes happened in 1994 when we changed our name to Cross Valley Federal Credit Union and moved our main office over to Baltimore Drive in Wilkes-Barre. Since then, we’ve worked hard for continued growth and now manage over $220 million in assets with nearly 18,000 credit union members.

A quick overview:

  • 1969: Wilkes-Barre Federal Employees Federal Credit Union is founded
  • 1994: Changed our name to Cross Valley Federal Credit Union
  • 2008: Awarded a community charter from the NCUA
  • 2021: Returned back to a SEG-based charter

Interested in becoming part of this history? We’re ready to welcome you to Opportunity.

Join us

Grand opening of our Mocanaqua Branch.

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