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Longer-Term Earning

(570) 823–6836

Saving + Earning

Save longer, earn bigger.

When it comes to setting aside funds for life’s bigger moments (think moving to a new town or a down payment), it’s all about letting your savings earn you more. With two high-earning options to choose from, when those bigger moments come, you’ll be ready.

Planning for the big moments ahead.

Money Market Accounts

Steady returns while you pursue possibility.

Your money works magic when it earns compounding dividends. With a Cross Valley Money Market Account, you can save more while preserving access to your funds for whatever arises. And if you want access to special tiered rates, our Premium Money Market Accounts will give you even more opportunity to earn big on interest.

  • Earn high yields with full access to your funds
  • Minimum balance of $2,500.00 is required
  • Dividends are calculated and paid monthly
  • No monthly maintenance fees
  • Zero risk / All reward

Open yours at any branch

If you’d rather open a Money Market Account over the phone, give us a call at (570) 823-6836 and we’ll open an account with you.

Your money is the market.

“Money Market accounts—they’re like the superhero of savings. Flexible, higher interest and you can still grab your cash when needed. It’s your money, but with a little extra swagger and a side of growth. Nice, right?”

Share Certificates

Set it. Forget it. Watch it grow.

Sure, there are many ways to earn a decent yield on your money these days, but none give you the guarantee of a Share Certificate (known as CD’s in the banking world). While high-yield savings accounts can reduce their rates overnight, a Share Certificate from Cross Valley locks your rate in and guarantees you that high return.

  • Earnings compounded quarterly
  • No monthly maintenance fees
  • Guaranteed high-yield earnings
  • Different maturity terms available
  • Applies to new money only
  • Zero risk / All reward

Give us a call to open yours today.

Contact us

Certificate TermAPY¹
6-Month Certificate4.00%
12-Month Certificate3.85%
18-Month Certificate3.75%
Guaranteed returns on your money.

Share Certificate Snapshot:

No need to watch the market or hunt for great rates. It’s all right here at Cross Valley FCU.

6-Month Certificate

4.00% APY¹

12-Month Certificate

3.85% APY¹

Visit a branch or give us a call to open yours.

Branch locations Contact us

“When I mention Share Certificates, many of our members don’t realize how supplemental they can be to your income—especially with rates as high as they are now. If you’re okay with not touching your money for a short period of time, they can be a real financial bonus at the end of the term.”

Employee, branch teller


APY = Annual Percentage Yield. The APY is current as of October 1, 2024. For full details, please review our Truth-in-Share Certificates Disclosure or contact the credit union (570-823-6836). Rates, terms and conditions are subject to change at any time without notice. Penalty for early withdrawal applies. Member eligibility is required.


National average for a 6-month CD is 1.12% based on Datatrac research as of 7/28/2023.

FULL JUMBO (1800) XXXL (1620) XXL (1496) XL (1280) LG (960) MD (840) SM (600) XS (480)